This is me at 225 lbs. 17HD is amazing stuff. This stuff really works, I know coming from a guy that used Andro before it was pulled. In July 06, I had surgery to repair a hernia and my weight dropped to 186 lbs, and I struggled to get my size of 220 lbs back. I finally found the right supplement that is legal and packs a punch better than Andro did. As a power lifter and a body builder, this stuff works. I have been saying I will evaluate workouts and general supplements, I have not gotten around to doing so, but here is my first attempt.
My strength and size shot up on this supplement. 17-HD (17- Halo-Methyl-Dianadrone) is a revolutionary all natural anabolic formula designed to help pack on lean muscle pounds. It elevates serum levels of free testosterone resulting in an increase in strength, size, and work-out intensity. My bench has shot up past 405 lbs, and my military press is well over 225 lbs. This supplement is so potent that you must cycle off of it, in order to give you natural testosterone levels a chance to kick back in. My goal is to weigh 250 lbs, and bench 495+ range and military press 315.
Now mind you that I consume over 230 grams of protein a day. Protein of choice is muscle milk. My work-outs varies: I do classic pyramids at times, and other times I do 3-4 X 6 as heavy as I can go to get six reps. Another key is nutrition, my wife and I eat six small meals a day and drink about a gallon of water a day. We do eat according to the BODY FOR LIFE (life style). A nice way to change your meals up is by using the EAT FOR LIFE book, that was put out by Bill Philips to accomidate the Body for Life principle. My wife weighs 111 lbs and is only 5’1” and I am only 5’8" and weigh 225 with a waist size of 34. So we are doing something right.
LEGAL for muscle hungry bodybuilders in all 50 states!
Amazing new androgenic/anabolic outperforms all Testosterone Boosting Compounds